from Pastor Andrew Barrett


ESV Study Bible.  A great, all-in-one resource. Includes helpful footnotes, introductions, articles, and overviews.
NIV Lectio Bible.  Brand new by Zondervan. Chapters and verses are removed, encouraging a slow, seamless reading of Scripture.
ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition. An incredible new resource by Crossway Press. Learn about their methodology in this video.

Reading Plans

M'Cheyne Reading Plan.  Four passages a day, covering the Bible in a year.
The Bible Project.  A great blend of rich scholarship and engaging graphic design. Multiple plans available on their website or the YouVersion app. 
ESV Bible App. A massive library of reading plans, audio-Bibles, and study aids. 

Commentaries & Study Aids

Multi-Volume, Old Testament: The Old Testament for Everyone, by John Goldingay.
Multi-Volume, New Testament: The New Testament for Everyone, by N.T. Wright.
Single-Volume, Bible Dictionary: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart.
How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour, by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart.

Books on Spiritual Formation

Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God.
Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ.
Saint Benedict, The Rule of St. Benedict.
Dallas Willard, The Great Omission
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way.
Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms.